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MSS Recruitment及哈囉好工網應邀出席「BlueCard Holders – the unloved?」專題辯論會


MSS Recruitment及哈囉好工網應邀出席
「專題辯論會︰BlueCard Holders – the unloved?

MSS Recruitment and hello-jobs attended the debate
“ BlueCard Holders – the unloved?”

▲ 圖1「BlueCard Holders – the unloved?」專題辯論會主講嘉賓︰呂家玟(左),白穎怡(中),羅曉盈(右)

由官樂怡基金會及MBtv Debates主辦的「BlueCard Holders – the unloved?」專題辯論會於10月8日假官樂怡基金會演講廳圓滿舉行。活動現場及線上直播吸引超過一千六百人次參與,反應熱烈。

On 8th October, 2020 Fundação Rui Cunha and MBtv Debates hosted the “BlueCard Holders – the unloved?” debate at the Rui Cunha Foundation, joined by more than 1,600 participants at the conference site and the live stream.



MSS Recruitment及哈囉好工網(hello-jobs.com)董事總經理羅曉盈有幸受邀擔任主講嘉賓之一,同場亦有澳門大學社會系助理教授呂家玟及C&C 律師事務所資深大律師白穎怡參與,透過專題辯論及問答環節,加深大眾及企業對本澳外地僱員的現況及處境的認識及對勞動力市場發展趨勢的了解。


Managing director of MSS Recruitment Ltd and hello-jobs.com – Seow Yuen Loh, was invited to join the panel of experts, with the Associate professor from the Department of Sociology at the University of Macau – Melody Lu, and the Senior Associate Lawyer of C&C Lawyers – Icilia Berenguel; three speakers shared their insights during the debate and Q&A sessions to enhance public’s in-depth understanding of the current situation of the foreign workers and the development trend of the Macau labor market.



MSS Recruitment及哈囉好工網(hello-jobs.com)董事總經理羅曉盈表示︰「很榮幸能收到官樂怡基金會及MBtv Debates的邀請,能獲這次機會與另外兩位嘉賓以三方不同專業的角度去探討外僱的議題。MSS Recruitment及哈囉好工網(hello-jobs.com)在澳發展十二年間,一直關注勞動力市場的發展趨勢,無論是本地還是外地僱員都是本澳不容忽視的經濟發展力量,希望透過今次分享,能令大眾更了解外僱與勞動力市場的現況。」


“This is an honor for us to be invited by Fundação Rui Cunha and MBtv Debates. MSS Recruitment and hello-jobs.com have been paying attention to the development trend of the Macau labor market, we appreciate having this opportunity to discuss the topic about foreign workers from three different professional perspectives. We believe both local and non-local employees have contributed a great deal to the development of Macao, and hope that through this sharing, the public can gain more insight on the current situation of foreign employment and the development of labor market.” said Seow Yuen Loh, managing director of MSS Recruitment Ltd and hello-jobs.com



辯論會上羅曉盈表示︰「過去,外地僱員可以先到澳門為潛在的僱主做試工,若他們獲得澳門非永久居民身份證,便可以在澳門逗留和工作。然而新修改法案實施後,便不能這樣做了,有意在澳工作的外地僱員必需由原籍國家開始申請手續的第一步…… 過往的做法中,外地僱員受到剝削的風險可能性較大,因為他們逗留在澳門並不合法,這樣對保障僱主僱員來說都不是最佳的選擇。」


Speaking in the webinar, Seow Yuen Loh remarked: “In the past, they could just come to Macau, do some trial jobs for [potential] employers, and stay and work in Macau if they get greenlighted [from the authorities]. Now they could not do this anymore and they have to start right from their home of origin [to look for a job in Macau]…… This [past] practice opens up the possibilities of risks that the workers might be exploited… because they are not here legally. That’s not the best option for the protection of both employers and employees,” she said.





“We are interdependent with foreign workers, or our lives are interlinked with them. On that basis, they are together with us as one. They might have other nationalities but we’re all contributing to the same vision of making Macau a better city,” Loh added.

▲ 圖2. 「主題辯論會︰BlueCard Holders – the unloved?」活動海報



The objective of the conference was to familiarize the public with the current situation of non-local employees and the impact of the pandemic to the foreign labors; analyzing the attractiveness of the local market to the foreign talents and it’s demand for labor resource; analyzing the impact of the Greater Bay Area plan on the labor market, and also exchanging opinions on the optimization of the non-local employees’ living and working conditions.



點擊下方連結,重溫「主題辯論會︰BlueCard Holders – the unloved?」:

Click on the link below for playback of the “BlueCard Holders – the unloved?” debate:



關於 MSS Recruitment

MSS Recruitment 為澳門最領先的人力資源顧問公司,通過專業團隊為企業提供全面人力資源解決方案,包括獵頭服務、臨時及兼職人才招聘、工作簽證服務、薪酬計算服務、人力資源諮詢及培訓、行業及薪酬調查報告等;MSS Recruitment 為MSS 集圑的子公司,集團還包括hello-jobs.com 哈囉好工網-澳門No.1求職招聘網站;hello-learning 哈囉進修網-澳門唯一教育培訓資訊平台;hello jobs weekly 哈囉好工週刊-澳門唯一求職進修週刊。

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