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「隨心好工啟動禮」圓滿舉行❤️永利與婦聯及哈囉好工網攜手打造 全澳首創彈性工作網上配對平台



隨著澳門旅遊業的迅速發展,本地對勞動力需求亦隨之增加。有見及此,永利關愛特與 #澳門婦女聯合總會 及本地求職招聘網站 #哈囉好工網 合作,精心打造「隨心好工」全新彈性工作網上配對平台,並於今天假永利皇宮舉辦「隨心好工啟動禮」,為澳門彈性工作市場跨出開創性的步伐,透過「隨心好工」平台為企業和求職者提供最豐富的彈性工作配對和資訊,釋放潛在勞動力,促進澳門社區發展。



哈囉好工網及MSS Recruitment董事總經理羅曉盈女士亦分享道:「近年來,國際人力資源領域最關注的一個趨勢就是彈性工作。社會不斷進步激發了人類更高一層的期望,去追求符合自己生活方式的工作。婦女支撐的半邊天也需要她們能夠同時照顧家庭又不和社會脫節。「隨心好工」正好達到平衡這兩者的需求,符合並反應了國際、社會和家庭在21世紀的勞動趨勢。「隨心好工」是澳門首創的彈性工作一站式網站,不但提供無數的彈性工作職位,同時也提供了澳門彈性工作的全面資訊。我們期待大家踴躍瀏覽,使用隨心好工網站,讓大家身邊更多的親朋好友知曉並利用隨心好工這獨特的平台,支持所有的求職者和企業獲得更人性化的選擇,充分利用澳門的人力資源,共同優化我們的美麗家園。」

中央人民政府駐澳門特別行政區聯絡辦公室社會工作部趙奎偉副部長、澳門特別行政區政府勞工事務局吳惠嫻代局長、澳門特別行政區政府社會工作局家庭及社區服務廳鄧玉華廳長、澳門婦女聯合總會林婉妹理事長、招銀英副會長、陳愛珠副會長、黃潔貞副理事長、何凱玲副理事長、羅萍副理事長、澳門專業女性協會容永恩理事長、蔡田田副理事長、哈囉好工網及MSS Recruitment董事總經理羅曉盈女士、執行董事屠佶佶女士、澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心戴錦源經理、永利澳門有限公司副主席兼執行董事陳志玲女士、永利澳門有限公司人力資源高級副總裁莫慕賢女士、永利澳門及永利皇宮推廣傳訊高級副總裁廖曉齡女士、永利澳門及永利皇宮社區及政府關係行政總監張詩敏女士,以及永利團隊成員、澳門婦女聯合總會和哈囉好工網的代表及會員、業界代表等二百多人出席了是次活動。

儀式後更有婦聯總會心理治療中心主持的「Happy Jobs Happy Life 隨心好工 快樂人生」宣傳心理健康系列講座,由劉振峰主任向大家分享有關掌握快樂人生、職場心理健康等內容,希望每個澳門人透過「隨心好工」都能夠找到適合自己的工作,令所有有才能的人都在職場上發揮所長。

【‘WeCare-Happy-Jobs’ Launch Ceremony Concluded Successfully ❤️Wynn Joins Hands with the Women’s General Association of Macau and Hello-jobs.com to Establish Macau’s First Online, Flexible Work-Matching Platform】

In view of the rapid development of Macau’s tourism industry and the strong local demand for labor, Wynn Care has cooperated with the Women’s General Association of Macau and the local online job search and recruitment portal, Hello-jobs.com, to launch the first online, flexible work-matching platform ‘WeCare-Happy-Jobs’. The launch ceremony was also held today at Wynn Palace, with the online platform marking the first step in introducing a flexible work market in Macau, providing enhanced flexibility for companies and job seekers in order to realize the potential of labor in the market and promote social enhancement.

Tapping into the human resource matching technology of Hello-jobs.com, ‘WeCare-Happy-Jobs’ provides flexible work opportunities such as contract, part-time and freelancing jobs. It also provides information on the latest job trends, relevant news, various trainings, and sharing by flexible workers on their own job experiences. For employers, ‘WeCare-Happy-Jobs’ provides companies with a unique platform to find job seekers, enabling them to fill existing labor vacancies with flexible workers, and for job seekers in Macau to meet their different needs at every stage of life

Ms. Linda Chen, Vice Chairman and Executive Director of Wynn Macau, Limited said, “The concept of this project is people, family and love-oriented. Deeply rooted in Macau, Wynn Care has actively promoted localization in line with its eight directions. We hope to have a positive influence on the community by working with all sectors in society to chart new waters, thereby building mutually beneficial partnerships to ensure sustainable development that supports the community, the economy, business, family and even individuals in Macau, and ultimately contributes to a more harmonious and caring society.”

Ms. Lam Yuen Mui, President of the Women’s General Association of Macau said, “In order to better respond to women’s needs in career development, and at the same time provide high-quality human resources for society, we have combined the various advantages of local enterprises and social groups to achieve cross-industry and cross-profession cooperation. Through the development of ‘WeCare-Happy-Jobs’ website and its ‘flexible work’ features, we provide a more comprehensive and diversified job search and training service, as well as a platform for achieving career goals and realizing social value. This jointly promotes the prosperous and stable development of the Macau SAR.”

Ms. Loh Seow Yuen, Managing Director of Hello-jobs.com and MSS Recruitment said, “In recent years, flexible work has become one of the most vital trends in the international human resources field. The continuous development of our society has revealed a greater desire for people to pursue work that meet’s their own lifestyles. In addition, women who need to support both work and family need to achieve a work-family balance without being out of touch of society. ‘WeCare-Happy-Jobs’ website is being launched to help fulfil their needs. The platform meets and reflects the labor trends faced by the world, society and families in the 21st century, and is the first and only one-stop website for flexible work in Macau. Not only does it provide numerous flexible jobs, but also offers comprehensive information on flexible working in Macau. We look forward to seeing people actively using the website and sharing it with their relatives and friends. We also seek to support all job seekers and companies through a more humane platform, in order to fully utilize human resources and enhance our beautiful home.”

Over 200 people attended the ceremony, including Mr. Zhao Kuiwei, Deputy Director of the General Department of Social Affairs of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macau SAR; Ms. Ng Wai Han, Acting Director of the Labour Affairs Bureau; Mr. Tang Yuk Wa, Head of the Department of Family and Community Services of the Social Welfare Bureau; Ms. Lam Un Mui, President of the Women’s General Association of Macau; Ms. Chio Ngan Ieng and Ms. Chan Oi Chi, Vice Chairwomen of the Women’s General Association of Macau; Ms. Wong Kit Cheng, Ms. Ho Hoi Leng and Ms. Luo Ping, Vice Presidents of the Women’s General Association of Macau; Ms. Iong Weng Ian, President of Macau Professional Women Association; Ms. Choi Tin Tin, Vice President of Macau Professional Women Association; Ms. Loh Seow Yuen, Managing Director of Hello-jobs.comand MSS Recruitment; Ms. Jiji Tu, Executive Director of Hello-jobs.comand MSS Recruitment; Mr. Joe Tai, Manager of Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center; Ms. Linda Chen, Vice Chairman and Executive Director of Wynn Macau, Limited; Ms. Zuleika Mok, Senior Vice President of Human Resources of Wynn Macau, Limited; Ms. Katharine Liu, Senior Vice President of Communications of Wynn Macau and Wynn Palace; Ms. Jasmine Cheong, Executive Director of Community and Government Relations of Wynn Macau and Wynn Palace; as well as Wynn Team Members, members of the Women’s General Association of Macau, and representatives from Hello-jobs.com and the industry.

After the ceremony, the Psychotherapy Center of the Women’s General Association of Macau hosted a seminar titled “Happy Jobs Happy Life” to promote mental health. Psychology Director at the Psychotherapy Center Mr. Lao Chan Fong shared insights on how to master a happy life and mental health in the workplace, as well as activities and projects that allow everyone in Macau to find a suitable job that matches their needs in every stage of life through ‘WeCare-Happy-Jobs’, thereby enabling everyone with aspirations to perform their best in the workplace.

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