MSS Recruitment及哈囉好工網執行董事屠佶佶獲邀於澳門城市大學擔任課程嘉賓
MSS Recruitment及哈囉好工網(執行董事屠佶佶獲澳門城市大學工商管理碩士學位(MBA)國際商務管理專業邀請,於2024年11月25日擔任課程嘉賓,為一眾碩士生分享在新興發展市場的創業經驗、面臨的挑戰,以及跨國企業管理的經驗。
▲圖. 屠佶佶執行董事與澳門城市大學講師陳敬紅女士及一眾碩士生合照
MSS Recruitment及哈囉好工網(執行董事屠佶佶表示︰「十分榮幸能受邀擔任澳門城市大學的嘉賓講師,以我們豐富的經驗,為學生分享我們如何在不同市場調整服務及策略和危機中尋找機遇的實踐經驗。在現今不斷變化的商業環境,我們認為持續追求卓越的服務以滿足客戶需求及快速適應新環境至關重要,希望今天的分享能為學生們帶來一些啟發,提升他們的競爭優勢。」
▲圖. 課堂分享會現場
MSS集團與澳門經濟的高速發展同步成長,已成為最領先的人力資源顧問公司。我們的客戶信任我們並提供卓越的好評,進一步證明了我們的實力與聲譽。MSS Recruitment提供全面人力資源解決方案,包括獵頭服務、臨時及兼職人才招聘、工作簽證服務、薪酬計算服務、人力資源諮詢及培訓、行業及薪酬調查報告等; MSS集團旗下還擁有 哈囉好工網-澳門No.1求職招聘網站;hello-learning 哈囉進修網-澳門唯一教育培訓資訊平台。
Invited to be guest speaker for MBA program in City University of Macau; Jiji Tu, Executive Director of MSS Recruitment and
Jiji Tu, Executive Director of MSS Recruitment and was invited as a guest speaker by City University of Macau for the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program with a specialization in International Business Management on 25 November, 2024. She shared her entrepreneurial experiences in emerging markets, the challenges faced, and insights into multinational corporate management.
“It is a great honor to be invited as a guest speaker at City University of Macau. Drawing from our wealth of experiences, we shared practical insights on how we adjust services and strategies in different markets, find opportunities within crises, and manage cross-border enterprises. In today’s ever-evolving business landscape, we believe that striving for excellence to meet customer needs and rapidly adapt to new environments is crucial. We hope that today’s sharing session inspires students and enhances their competitive edge.” said Jiji Tu, Executive Director of MSS Recruitment and
About MSS Group:
MSS Recruitment has grown alongside Macau’s remarkable economic and developmental progress, bearing witness to its impressive transformation. Today, we are a leading HR agency, offering a wide range of services to the most esteemed and reputable clients. Our comprehensive HR solutions include Recruitment, Temp & Contract Staffing, Visa Services, Payroll Outsourcing, HR Consultancy & Training, Industry and Salary Reports. Our reputation speaks for itself, as we primarily rely on word-of-mouth recommendations from our satisfied clients, who consistently provide us with unparalleled testimonials. MSS Group of Companies also own – Macau’s highest traffic job portal, – Macau’s only learning and training portal.