MSS Recruitment榮幸受邀擔任「Corporate Philanthropy Seminar」主講嘉賓
MSS Recruitment is honored to be invited as speaker of “Corporate Philanthropy Seminar”
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MSS Recruitment榮幸受邀擔任
「Corporate Philanthropy Seminar」主講嘉賓
▲ 圖1「Corporate Philanthropy Seminar」主講嘉賓及主持人︰Macau Business Magazine總監José Carlos Matias (左1),C&C 律師事務所總經理Rui Pedro Cunha (左2),MSS Recruitment董事總經理羅曉盈(右1)、聖若瑟大學商學及法律學院院長劉鈺馨博士(右2)
MSS Recruitment Ltd (董事總經理羅曉盈榮幸受邀擔任「Corporate Philanthropy Seminar」主講嘉賓之一,是次研討會由官樂怡基金會、聖若瑟大學商學及法律學院、澳門利氏學社及Macau Business合辦,於5月14日假官樂怡基金會演講廳圓滿舉行。作為2023年「狄恆責任型企業獎」得獎者,MSS Recruitment Ltd(金獎得主)和C&C Lawyer(銀獎得主)分享了企業社會責任不僅限於捐贈,還有更多其它方面實踐的可能性。這是繼「狄恆責任型企業獎」後,再一次出色的後續分享。
Recruitment Ltd(金獎得主)和C&C Lawyer(銀獎得主)分享了企業社會責任不僅限於捐贈,還有更多其它方面實踐的可能性。這是繼「狄恆責任型企業獎」後,再一次出色的後續分享。
MSS Recruitment董事總經理羅曉盈分享:我們在仔細觀察後,發現MSS Recruitment的企業價值觀和慈善價值觀非常相似。MSS抱着一股我能做到的精神為客戶提供卓越服務,而MSS的慈善價值宗旨是「改變由我開始」。兩種價值觀都希望通過出色的行動改變未來,超越現況。
羅曉盈也分享了MSS如何在世界各地找到自己的慈善定位,具體措施包括:(1)通過hello-jobs.com平台支持本地非政府組織,提高澳門市民對他們的認識;(2) 開展舊衣物回收計劃,最近一次的回收共有120噸舊衣物,並送到中國和菲律賓的弱勢群體手中;(3)在海外最需要幫助的領域提供支援,例如在印度比哈爾邦為沒有乾淨水源的村民建造水泵。羅曉盈進一步分享MSS在深思熟慮後,決定在澳門建立一個獨立的非政府組織,希望能使MSS持續在世界各地進行有正面影響和價值慈善活動。
MSS Recruitment於2023年榮獲首屆「狄恆責任型企業獎」金獎,為該獎項中最高級別之殊榮,以表彰其在可持續發展領域和道德商業實踐方面的良好成就。MSS相信「改變由我開始」,並透過其在世界各地進行的慈善工作改善了數千人的生活,涵蓋教育、醫療、建築資助、基本生活物質資助、動物生命保護及環保。
▲ 圖2. 「Corporate Philanthropy Seminar」活動海報
點擊下方連結,重溫「Corporate Philanthropy Seminar」:
MSS集團與澳門經濟的高速發展同步成長,已成為最領先的人力資源顧問公司。我們的客戶信任我們並提供卓越的好評,進一步證明了我們的實力與聲譽。MSS Recruitment提供全面人力資源解決方案,包括獵頭服務、臨時及兼職人才招聘、工作簽證服務、薪酬計算服務、人力資源諮詢及培訓、行業及薪酬調查報告等; MSS集團旗下還擁有 哈囉好工網-澳門No.1求職招聘網站;hello-learning 哈囉進修網-澳門唯一教育培訓資訊平台。
MSS Recruitment is honored to be invited as
speaker of “Corporate Philanthropy Seminar”
Matias (Left 1), General Manager of C&C Lawyers – Rui Pedro Cunha (Left 2), Managing Director of MSS Recruitment – Loh Seow Yuen (Right 1), Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law of the University of Saint Joseph – Jenny Phillips (Right 2)
Ms Loh Seow Yuen (Managing Director) of MSS Recruitment Ltd (, was honored to be invited as one of the panel speakers for “Corporate Philanthropy Seminar” hosted by University of Saint Joseph’s Faculty of Business and Law (USJ-FBL), the Macau Ricci Institute, FRC, and Macau Business at the Rui Cunha Foundation on 14th May 2024. This was an excellent follow up between the winners of the 2023 Deignan Award for Responsible Entrepreneurship where MSS Recruitment Ltd was the Gold recipient and C&C Lawyer the Silver recipient, sharing possibilities for companies to engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices beyond making donations.
Seow Yuen Loh (SY Loh), Managing Director of MSS Recruitment shared how coincidentally its corporate values and Philanthropy values are similar upon closer examination. MSS strives to deliver beyond excellence to customers with a can do spirit while MSS philanthropy’s value statement is “To Be the Change We Want to See.” Both values are similar in wanted to go beyond status quo by taking action to make it happen, with excellence.
SY Loh also shares how MSS finds its own philanthropic niche in local community by (1) supporting local NGOS through using platform to increase awareness for local NGOs; and (2) Starting a re-cycling program for used clothes where the last collection was 120 tons of used clothing delivered to the least privilege in China and Philippines. (3) Serving niches overseas where help is most needed; example building water hand pump in Bihar for villagers who has no access to clean water. SY Loh further shared how MSS has made a deliberate decision to establish an individual NGO in Macau, hoping this will create sustainability in its delivery of Philanthropic activities globally where MSS can positively impact and value add.
MSS Recruitment has been honored with the first “Deignan Award for Responsible Entrepreneurship” Gold Award in 2023, the highest acclaim in Deignan Award, recognizing their outstanding achievements in corporate social responsibility, ESG criteria, and business ethics. MSS believes in ‘Being the Change you want to see” and has since impacted thousands of lives through its philanthropic activities regionally in areas of such Education, Medical, Infrastructure, Basic Livelihood Necessities & Supplies, Animal Shelter, Lives Liberation, and Environment.
▲ Pic 2 Event poster of “Corporate Philanthropy Seminar”
The objective of the seminar was to share the values rooted in businesses that led to philanthropic action and how can corporate philanthropy be sustainable for responsible business.
Click on the link below for playback of the “Corporate Philanthropy Seminar”:
About MSS Group
MSS Recruitment has grown alongside Macau’s remarkable economic and developmental progress, bearing witness to its impressive transformation. Today, we are a leading HR agency, offering a wide range of services to the most esteemed and reputable clients. Our comprehensive HR solutions include Recruitment, Temp & Contract Staffing, Visa Services, Payroll Outsourcing, HR Consultancy & Training, Industry and Salary Reports. Our reputation speaks for itself, as we primarily rely on word-of-mouth recommendations from our satisfied clients, who consistently provide us with unparalleled testimonials.