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MSS Recruitment及哈囉好工網執行董事屠佶佶擔任「Rethinking to Promote a Better Quality of Health and Well-Being in the Workplace」圓桌會議分享嘉賓


MSS Recruitment及哈囉好工網執行董事屠佶佶擔任「Rethinking to Promote a Better Quality of Health and Well-Being in the Workplace」圓桌會議分享嘉賓

Invited to speak on “Rethinking to Promote a Better Quality of Health and Well-Being in the Workplace” at University of Saint Joseph; Jiji Tu, Executive Director of MSS Recruitment and hello-jobs.com

MSS全策顧問(MSS Recruitment)及哈囉好工網(hello-jobs.com) 執行董事屠佶佶應邀擔任由聖若瑟大學商學及法律學院及健康科學學院主辦的「Rethinking to Promote a Better Quality of Health and Well-being in the Workplace」分享嘉賓,活動於2023年11月22日完滿舉行。本次圓桌會議討論關於企業中的健康和福祉的作用,活動倡議聯合國可持續發展目標,其中包括SDG 3「確保健康及促進各年齡層的福祉」、SDG 8「促進包容且永續的經濟成長,達到全面且生產力的就業,讓每一個人都有一份好工作」以及SDG 17「強化永續發展執行方法及活化永續發展全球夥伴關係」。

Jiji Tu, Executive Director of MSS Recruitment and hello-jobs.com was invited as a guest speaker for the event “Rethinking to Promote a Better Quality of Health and Well-being in the Workplace”, organised by the Faculty of Business and Law (FBL) and the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) at USJ. This Sustainable Business Series Roundtable was held on 22 November. This round-table is an initiative associated with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”, SDG 8 “Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”, and SDG 17 “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development”.

▲圖. 圓桌會議活動現場    Photo. Sustainable Business Series Roundtable

MSS全策顧問(MSS Recruitment)及哈囉好工網(hello-jobs.com) 執行董事屠佶佶表示︰「十分榮幸能受邀出席今次活動,以我們在人力資源範疇多年的經驗及狄恆責任型企業獎-金獎得主的身份,分享中小企在資源有限的情況下,可以透過甚麼措施去確保員工身心健康及促進福祉,包括(1) 打造積極工作環境、(2) 促進員工參與決策、(3) 工作與生活平衡及(4) 工作量管理方面。」

“I am honored to be invited as guest speaker of the event. Drawing on our extensive experience in the field of human resources and as Gold award winner of the Deignan Award for Responsible Entrepreneurship, I will share insights on how can small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in situations where resources are limited, promote a better quality of health and well-being in the workplace, including (1) Establish a Positive Work Environment, (2) Employee Engagement and Participation, (3) Work-Life Balance, (4) Workload Management.” said Jiji Tu, Executive Director of MSS Recruitment and hello-jobs.com

▲圖. 嘉賓分享活動現場 Photo. Guest Sharing

▲圖. 活動海報 Photo. Event Poster


MSS集團與澳門經濟的高速發展同步成長,已成為最領先的人力資源顧問公司。我們的客戶信任我們並提供卓越的好評,進一步證明了我們的實力與聲譽。MSS Recruitment提供全面人力資源解決方案,包括獵頭服務、臨時及兼職人才招聘、工作簽證服務、薪酬計算服務、人力資源諮詢及培訓、行業及薪酬調查報告等; MSS集團旗下還擁有hello-jobs.com 哈囉好工網-澳門No.1求職招聘網站;hello-learning 哈囉進修網-澳門唯一教育培訓資訊平台。

About MSS Group

MSS Recruitment has grown alongside Macau’s remarkable economic and developmental progress, bearing witness to its impressive transformation. Today, we are a leading HR agency, offering a wide range of services to the most esteemed and reputable clients. Our comprehensive HR solutions include Recruitment, Temp & Contract Staffing, Visa Services, Payroll Outsourcing, HR Consultancy & Training, Industry and Salary Reports. Our reputation speaks for itself, as we primarily rely on word-of-mouth recommendations from our satisfied clients, who consistently provide us with unparalleled testimonials. MSS Group of Companies also own hello-jobs.com – Macau’s highest traffic job portal, hello-learning.com – Macau’s only learning and training portal.


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